Amelia Ayers / Huntsville, AL

Amelia Ayers is a vegan in the South. It is a little harder to navigate avoiding animal byproducts in a part of the country that wraps beef with bacon and cooks veggies in pork fat. Here are a few tips on how she manages her diet and what inspired the lifestyle in the first place.

“Think about it: virtually every atrocity in the history of humankind was enabled by a populace that turned away from a reality that seemed too painful to face, while virtually every revolution for peace and justice has been made possible by a group of people who chose to bear witness and demanded that others bear witness as well.”― Melanie Joy, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows


ME: When did you become vegan? – I went vegetarian in June of 2014 and vegan in August of 2015.

What inspired you? – My inspiration began when I started watching documentaries on Netflix about GMOs and other artificial products that were affecting my health.

When do you recall becoming aware that meat was dead animals? – I was about 22 when it actually hit me that I was eating animals. At that time, I became a vegetarian.

What are the biggest challenges of being vegan in the South? – Veganism hasn’t progressed as much in the South yet, so there are not many options to eat at restaurants. I mostly cook and eat at home. Also, there are not many health food stores available.

Were you raised in a meat-eating household? Yes, I was. However, my Parents have both been very health conscience so I grew up drinking smoothies and juicing all of the time too.

How often did your parents serve meat? – At least a few times in a day.

What is your favorite vegan dish?  – As of right now, my favorite dish is quinoa chili with fries…a recipe I found on

What is the hardest animal product to avoid? – I don’t feel like it’s difficult for me to avoid any animal products simply because I know why I chose to go Vegan in the first place, but the most difficult thing to avoid is cheese – because it is put in almost everything. So anytime I go out to eat or buy something from the store/restaurant I always have to double check and be sure there is no cheese. haha

Did you notice a change in your body when you became vegan? – ABSOLUTELY. Overall, I feel healthier. I am able to understand my body and what it’s telling me and give it what it needs. Also, I haven’t experienced allergy problems the way I used to when I ate meat and dairy.

Do you think you will ever eat meat? – Never again.

“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Thank you, Amelia, for sharing a piece of your story with us. And thank you, O’Reilly Meadows, for allowing us to spend time with your loving animals.